Friday, June 24, 2022

From Victim To Remorseless Bloody Tyrant

Image Putin/Zelensky

If there is a more universally despised man

let him speak in icy rage of the unfairness

of manipulated optics gearing world opinion

against a superior ideology that confronts the

corrupt existence of fascism, a force of evil

that stripped the world of its 20th Century

innocence, sending millions to their deaths

and he above all others has resolved to meet

that force directly to expunge it from existence.

If there is a man more globally admired, let him

smile that warily enigmatic acknowledgement

that opposing the dark, sinister force of fascism

cloaked in the veneer of sanctimonious right

over wrong is not of  his choice but an obvious

existential necessity for a targeted people to

meet a destiny imposed by a dark force seeking

its destruction, emulating the very fascists in

its bid for supremacy that it once had common

cause with until becoming itself the victim.

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