Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Source


The source? It could of course be your

subconscious, a more palatable suggestion

readily accepted than that niggling little

recurring thought that whispers now and

again how strange it is... It is you and only

yourself that inhabits your mind needless to

say and who would argue with that simple

fact? You, on occasion. Subtle deviations

from the known into the deep, dark unknown.

For example that poem that flowed so very

effortlessly, surprising and pleasing you no

end. Where did it come from? You sat down

with a defined intent to write what your mind

had been playing with, expanding, refining

and finally prepared to commit completion

you began ... and your fingers flew over the

keyboard in tandem with some urgent voice

deep within -- a tangential direction not  your

own, but there it is, those mysterious words with

no one to claim them but you, their author...?

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