Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Stylized Canadian Governance

To pose unabashedly as a cynic is not generally 

viewed with admiration but to be a sanctimonious 

cynic with only the sanctimony visible presenting 

as empathy and a desire to be of public service

is the hallmark of a political genius who instinctively

knows how to capture the  trust and loyalty of those 

targeted to bring a democratically elected leader 

to power through a willing electorate. Outgoing

personability, a modest demeanor, a winning smile 

promising sincere intent and a comely physical

appearance all initial aids to vaulting ambition 

by a practised egotist within a studied thespian 

with ambitions to make a nation his stage to 

international acclaim. In a climate of universal 

threat to public well-being heralding an opportunist

impassioned defence of looting the national treasury 

to gain the voting public's economic equilibrium

castigating the wealthy even while consorting 

with them as an equal the most efficiently effective 

insurance that a spirit of public indebtedness in

gratitude of trust installed through funding to 

those not needing it, but known to vote appropriately

in appreciation lends credence to the concerns of 

clear-eyed critics understanding full well that 

democracy is no guarantee of sound governance.

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