Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Revealing Hypocrisy's Faultlines


Granted, parody is a rebuke

not a cure holding up to

public ridicule

those who pose as righteously

progressive selectively

harnessing their efforts

toward sanctimonious morality

expressed in humanitarian

terms of reference 

while targeting the offences

committed by those struggling to

exist against the efforts of

others to extinguish their rights of

existence committing themselves

to existential defense and in so doing

offending those unconvinced they

should while claiming the offensive

acts of self-protection victimize those

whose goal is to slaughter in gain of

territorial advantage. The ripostes of

parody shredding the pretense of

neutral judgement for when all else

fails comic revelations of issues

injurious to reality have their value in

the light of clarity and laughter.

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