Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Illuminating Life


As the Winter Equinox steadily approaches

soot-grey clouds streaked with charcoal

monopolize the skies in the Northern

Hemisphere sifting globules of rain

alternately with flurries of snow

showering through the atmosphere

saturated with winter's promise of a great

accumulated snowpack to relieve the tedium

of the sullen skies casting a dark visage

over the Earth's landscape in a never-ending

cascade of brooding days, abrupt in their

departure into the bleak dark of night

unrelieved by the luminous sight of the moon

and the stars imprisoned behind those clouds.

Until suddenly the sun prevails brusquely

burning through the dismal ceiling of cloud

to illuminate its audience below bringing

with it penetrating cold and flesh-piercing

winds. Ah, but the sun, it illuminates life!

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