Sunday, December 16, 2018

Mythic Realities

Lilith was too sensuously demanding
and Adam was too fearful of her
urgency. He regarded Eve with her
bashful nubile hesitation obedient to
his demands and all was well. Lilith
went her way establishing her own
dynasty of women regarding themselves
superior to the weak vacillation of men
taken aback by the impudence of women
of impulse and confidence complacent
in the thought that Eve would remain
forever compliant until the day she
challenged and offered him opportunity
to view existence outside the familiar
to explore and satisfy his curiosity
not knowing he had none and would
not take the apple she had nibbled to
infuriate the tree's lawful owner who
ordered them expelled. Eve's stark 
disobedience did not fall far from the
tree that Lilith had long since abandoned
to forge her way in the world against
the condemnation born of suspicion and
fear borne of men toward women.

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