Saturday, January 7, 2017

Fire and Ice

In the winter woodland valley of
the woodland an ephemeral tracery
of exquisite crystalline fire lit
by the sun's piercing rays glitters
and glows like a cathedral of
surpassing beauty visiting dreams
of peacefully slumbering children
eager to race about in its pristine
whiteness, a playground beckoning
as though with a wistful longing
to be admired and to embrace the
exuberance of children entranced
by a landscape of incomparable
potential. There, where trees
silently stand girdled with snow 
their branches studded with crystals
the gossamer-delicate tracery of
frost embosses every surface
even as wind lifts snow in a faint
white skein of silken density to
fall like ectoplasm  over the 
forest floor where stumps of
aged trees snow-heaped stand like
humped ghosts haunting the forest.

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