Sunday, January 22, 2017


Stolidly imperturbable
self-assured and devoted
to the sense of his own
inimitable agency, Angus
though but a mite of white
fluffy hair and an
enquiring expression is
one-of-a-kind, a mature
and thoughtful little mutt.
Little, as in very small
but with an expansive heart
has he. Aversive to
coddling and the overt
protection proffered by
his human, his sense of
self offended, yet he
perseveres. When out
rambling on a woodland trail
he will momentarily waylay
the obligatory requirement
to remain docile at her
side, and trot ahead
soon out of sight but
never, ever out of mind.
As her voice rises in panic
the stoic little chappie
reverses direction to
make his unwilling return
to placate her concern.

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