Friday, September 2, 2016


Humble, Sublime

The formula is all there just
as nature's meticulous design
was meant to painstakingly put
in place the impetus and the
ingredients coming together to
produce the result. Her initial
primal experimentation salved
her impetuous curiosity once
she had undoubtedly surprised
even herself when she began all
those chemical trials watching in
fascination as the atoms and sub
atoms gathered, dispersed, then
re-gathered with the most
astonishing of consequences as
the universe was born of a
cataclysmic detonation whose
magnitude was beyond even her
experimental imagination and
skill to portend. But she persevered
and when the temperamental gases
subsided, she poked about in the
detritus bringing order to the chaos
she had created. With great care
and meticulous attention to
detail we now view in absorbed
fascination the results of her
creations, amazing, every one.

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