Monday, September 5, 2016

Exile From Nature

Yes it's true that humankind's
cerebral attributes and ability
to manipulate the environment is
exceptionally creative for in our
prodigious efforts we have succeeded
in reaping the fruits of the earth
taking for ourselves the edible
wealth that grows on the land and
the minerals that reside beyond the 
planet's molten core to provide for
ourselves a total environment unlike
any other that the lesser creatures of
nature's design might conceive
let alone manage the stewardship
of, as have we. We have reached
the pinnacle of attainment, isolating
ourselves from nature and her
creatures identifying ourselves as
superior, the sole Earthly denizens
that levitate from the confines of
buildings to the interiors of vehicles
never deigning to explore the
pleasures of life within nature's
own boundaries. We live in houses
remote from the caverns that once
harboured early mankind, take flight
across the world at leisure, place
other creatures in collective cells
so that we may take pleasure in
observing them without interacting,
the streets we live upon utterly
absent of human presence, the
highways dividing our cities
crammed with vehicles rushing to
arrive at some destination while
creating havoc to the wildlife and 
this is our exemplary existence.


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