Sunday, September 11, 2016

Farewell, Cannelle

Have some compassion, emote
your genuine empathy, for
you've been there yourself
that place of confusion and loss
just as your neighbour, newly
exposed, is experiencing those
emotions. Their diminished
household is now in grieving mode.
Their last dependent is gone, she
of the golden locks and brassy
attitude, intimidation her second
nature, so groomers refused
their services, nervous about her
unmistakable signals of hostile
'hands-off'. Nor were her snarling
threats to other companion-pets
to be taken lightly. Still, she was
your amiable friend and you too
ache for her, grown old and
deprived of her faculties, temper
turned gentle, her haircoat still
her crowning glory, her life a
tempest in a teapot, yet well
pampered, and oh, so well
loved. Forever stilled, farewell.

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