Friday, April 22, 2016


Magic Happens

Ah, the sudden appearance of life
where a second in time and the
mystical season of spring collide
in a perfect storm of opportunity
surprises us seasonally. The kindness
of the season secured a weather-mild
evening and a rush of rain washed
away stubborn ice while releasing
dormant soil from its frigid prison.
The miracle of new life depends
on such serendipitous links, as
morning brought a dark womb of 
fog and rain ushering in an
afternoon overcast, and humid
invitation to the forest floor. There
on its soggy bed of aeons-worth
autumnal foliage in fine decay
the first stirring of spring splendour
with the tender green tips of
trout lilies and violets emerging, the shy
tri-leaf of trilliums, foliage stippling
honeysuckle shrubs. Tomorrow's sun 
is certain to praise these pioneers.


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