Friday, April 15, 2016

Ascending Heights

His visage has the well defined
features of a mountain's crags
matching to perfection his lean
and steely musculature. His
appearance that of the quintessential
summitteer, a man who has tested
his mettle and given fair challenge 
to the impervious gods of height
and massive spread. And he has
indeed climbed where others 
dread to venture, felt the wind at
his back, ascending those heights
the brutal afternoon sun sizzling
his forehead. He bears the deeply
weathered ruts his face has earned
suffering all that nature has
subjected him to, felt icy gales and
snow squalls clog his pores and
stifle his breath, yet he smiles
genially. Wave next time you pass
a building being roofed, for he
most likely will wave right back.

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