Saturday, April 9, 2016

Goodwill Ambassador

Nature by her very nature is resolutely
impervious to pleas and complaints
in equal measure. Yet we persists and
she resists. Her seasons are confused
and confusing to her tenants, birds
returning north from their winter
sojourn in the south and furred forest
denizens emerging from hibernation
find a landscape frozen in the time
they had escaped still awaiting them.
Almost mid-April, with days alternating
between icy rainfall and snow squalls
freezing and dispiriting us all. Out
comes her goodwill ambassador as
the warming sun casts its brilliance
upon the landscape so all is forgiven
when that orb of light and life pledges
to remain awhile, an honoured guest
transformed from its frequent traveller
status, to melt the ice and snow and us.

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