Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Litter-Mate Titans

Our twin diminutive poodles
walk delicately on the trampled
snow of the forested trail conscious 
of the titans nearby coursing
through the woods, free of all
constraints, their person walking
alongside us, pleased at having
re-united these two massive
litter-mates, wondering if after
a two-year separation they recall
sharing a mother. The underfed 
one, given by the breeder to a
family with five young children
is rib-counting underfed, uncertain
what this newfound freedom to
roam portends, gently hesitant
but responsive. His brother swiftly
established his alpha position and
both suddenly indulge in a 
display of powerfully muscular
and audible bellicosity in a
playful spirit as our two black
slips of canine fluff observe
the ground rumbling exercise
and move in tentatively, partially
audacious, alternately timidly
to join the action with the fun of
danger appeal in the infectious
exuberance of the envied big boys.

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