Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Bring On The Clowns

Their spidery-slender legs
akimbo in a comical riot of
propulsive motion, the twin black
imps revel in their racing liberty
and the exquisite rhapsody in
the plump white comforter
beckoning on trails across the
forest floor. A brisk wind whips
the atmosphere to an icy chill.
Without pup-sized boots these 
tiny dogs would be denied their
treasured woodland romps in 
the deepest chill of a winter
landscape. With the boots they
wallop the frigid air in a madcap
frenzy of exuberance, now and
again glancing back to assess
our tardy progress. Returning 
when a shrill "treat!" is trilled 
then setting off again at breakneck 
speed down valleys, up hills
along connecting flats, their
personal natural precincts.

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