Monday, January 25, 2016



He cuts a dashing figure, at least
that's our opinion, as he leapfrogs
over his twin and crouches
temptingly before her uttering
challenges to compel her
cooperation in their dazzling
display of acrobatic pyrotechnics;
their capacity to outmanoeuvre
and taunt one another leading
to impressive leaps and bounds
of surpassing grace. Her response
is readily gauged; playtime that
her companion initiates is so
predictable and boring. Nothing
compared to the wondrous high-wire
acts of impulsive bravado venturing
nigh on levitation as their bodies
become weightless with the 
compulsion to challenge nature's 
limitations on gravitational 
conceit that she proposes and he
opposes. And who was it who has
claimed that gender role-playing
represents a social convention?

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