Friday, December 4, 2015

The Nursery

Above all, we are acutely aware
me and the nursery aide, that those
fragile orphans must have their
emotional needs met, to know they 
are loved, appreciated and wanted
in the alphabet nursery. To care
for them is a labour of love, a lifetime
devotion. Together, we find suitable
homes for these sensitive charges
where they secure a place for
themselves most suited to their
personalities. They return our love
and devotion by applying their
charming presence and the nuances
of meaning where they are placed
generously offering pleasure to all
who seek them out for their priceless
attributes of revelation, clarity
wisdom and humour, occasionally
lapsing into gravity when occasion
demands. Giving recognition where
it is due, the poet who has invested
endless time and passion along
with an acute admiration for those
orphan words made whole in
congenial company, offers sincere
homage to the nursemaid-muse. 

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