Tuesday, December 1, 2015


The Delusional Ego

Amazing how people age. It's very
nice to come across those once
familiar with a stab of recognition
though much time has passed and
you might have walked right by
had it not happened they or you
made the connection, memory
triggered by an overheard voice or
the way someone carries themselves 
or some distinguishing characteristic
that forms our individuality. The
shock of surprise, the animated
conversation as you pick up the
thread of friendship reminiscing 
and catching up, chiding one another
for the inexplicable gap, while
discussing updates on family and
work, health and travel. Then the
deplorable state of world affairs.
Compliments are passed as human
affection warms to the other, for
at no time would we confess the 
shock we feel at witnessing how
our friend has succumbed to the
unfortunate hallmarks of aging.
Hard not to view them pityingly,
smug in the satisfaction that our
own genetic inheritance has
favoured us so well and unlike our
friend we have remained trim,
unbowed and unwrinkled, mentally
aware and cerebrally sharp. Sad,
so very sad they have not.

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