Thursday, December 10, 2015

Gauntly Taut

She is a very nice person
entirely rational, mother of
two older teen girls, setting an
example for their well-being
pursuing their higher education
committed to living lives wisely
to extract from them all
opportunities to learn, experience
and to prosper. Cheerfully and
intelligently signing into a
social contract of forward
thinking leading to the
momentum of critical action.
None of which are as puzzling
as the drive to constant
immoderate physical workouts
to maintain a punishing schedule
of competitive exercise straining
toward exhaustion of endurance
in a well-toned body, taut and
wired, so thin as to be deprived
of a bare essence of stored
energy, consumed by action
before it might pad her epidermis
leaving bone and sinew and muscle
on the cusp of malnourishment.
Is the goal some arcane view
of self as fit to resemble 
a macabre, living skeleton?
It has been superbly accomplished.

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