Sunday, February 1, 2015

Vacuums' Gap

Growing distant from the
callow concerns of impulsive
youth, the id-driven desires of
emerging adulthood, totally oblivious
in the emotional fray of a life
lived, we arrive at a destination
that seemed in retrospect, others'
fate, never our own. Yet it is our
faces too lined with the memory
of laughter and grief, our hair that
has greyed as our bodies change
contours, and so suddenly, it seems,
we are those whom we once
viewed as the frail elderly hardly
worth a second blink of time
or concern. Our eyes, whose sharp
imagery have left their peak
hand the sharpness of vision
to our brains and how they thrive!
Viewing the succession behind us,
absorbed in their puny egos,
clamouring for attention,
scrabbling for gain,
indefensibly cynical, hostile
to the time warp between the
young and the seasoned, who 
sigh in the age-old exasperation
of that timeless combination of
endless waste and early years.

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