Thursday, February 5, 2015

Allahu Akbar

Allahu Akbar

If there is any vestigial compassion
nor shred of humanity in a
tribal mentality it rarely extends
beyond the clan in Middle Eastern
as in Medieval society. Perceived
slights to the creed of Islam, a
religion whose founder purloined
ideas and myths from previously
established religions of less
savage heritage instantly thrusts
its furious followers to the brink of
inchoate rage and beyond, prepared
to inflict death upon blasphemous
aggressors. The pious devoted
embark on a lifetime of servitude
to their pathologized instinct to
inflict pain on deserving non-believers
seeking first to enlist them as recruits
surrendering their souls to Allah
then proceeding on to the
obligation of the faithful to jihad,
instructing the faithless in the
many phases of Islam; surrender
to conquest. The genetic code of
the Middle East extending into
North Africa steeped in the ancient
instinct of visceral vengeance
codified as sacred within the most
primitive of tribal religions chaining 
adherents to a lifetime of insular 
aloofness, distrust and hatred of 
others and struggle against the dire
threat of somehow becoming infected 
by civilizational enlightenment.

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