Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Hellions

In repose, exhausted after
exhausting our none-to-spare
energy and well-meant patience
they are instantly transformed
from hellish imps, that dynamic
duo, our sibling puppies,
to innocently sweet newcomers
to life's short canine journey
accompanying our own. Their
precocious curiosity has no
discernible bounds, much less
do hopeful distractions detain
them from the serious business
of kleptomaniac destruction. 
Yet it was we who eagerly 
brought them into our inner
sanctum having weighed the
benefits of a neat and tidy life
sans concerns for other creatures'
well-being, finally coming down
decisively on the side of ditching
it all and harnessing ourselves
yet again to the pleasures and
pains of their comedic and
constant companionship.

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