Thursday, February 19, 2015


So, yes, when I tell you
on occasion how very grateful
I am that my life and yours
are so deeply intertwined,
that you know me as well as 
I do you, that our shared lives
over the years have given me
comfort, ease and joy, my
voice a pale reflection of the
deep and abiding love I have
for you, never doubt it. You
have been my haven, my
adventure through life,
intriguing and exciting my
admiration of your presence;
of your restless mind absorbing
the mysteries of existence
and what one can make of the
time given us. Your insatiable
quest for knowledge, your
manly courage and empathy
expressed in kindness, not
humility, enrapture me and
captures me in a binding web
of dependence on that without
which my life is a void.

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