Saturday, August 9, 2014

Tending the Garden

Ah, there -- snip! Gone the 
spent blooms, and there, snap! 
The dried floral stalks. Now, 
gently lift the gregariously
self-cloning coral bells from
their risky perches between the
pathway pavers and give them
a new home in the garden.
Snatch the arrogant Ladies Mantle
pups appearing everywhere, to
crowd out more valued garden
specimens and while at it, the
forget-me-nots, for their time
is past. But do leave the lovely
self-seeding Canterbury bells
for their bright cheery chimes
of colour do so delight us.
Divide the hostas with their
magnificent foliage of shape
and shade, and replenish the 
garden with fresh appeal. The
lilies and Monarda, Black-eyed
Susans and phlox, coreopsis and
coneflowers will thank you dearly.

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