Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Cat and Mouse

Miaow, Miaow! A game whose
puzzling purpose could not
rationally prove the irrational
conclusion that an electronic
device is amusing itself at
the expense of my admittedly
shallow wits, but then, what
other belief can conceivably
emerge as this computer mouse
I rely upon teases and bedevils me,
frustrating all my limited amateur
attempts to foil its independence
as it flirts with mayhem,
goading me in my efforts to
restrain its wicked sense of humour
defying my puny moves with its
erratic manoeuvres that I,
its presumed controller, seek to
impose to no avail; the mouse
giddy with its newfound sense of
power and defiance, a willing
and trusted mechanical slave
to my expectations no more.

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