Tuesday, July 22, 2014


The Forest Path

The forest path gleams and
glimmers with beams of errant
sunlight beyond its dusky interior
where pools of rainwater breed
stinging pests. Near the path,
the purple of stinging nettles
softly deny their reputation.
Dangling cherries turning ripe
in the sun, festoon the upper
reaches of choke cherry trees
where birds flit about, taken
with the pleasure of summer
existence. Cinquefoil and
buttercups, daisies and sunflowers
turn their petalled heads to the
glowing orb as bees and
dragonflies, damselflies and
butterflies loop their embroidery
on the landscape's canvas. A
muddy creek running through
the forest floor flicks back the
sheen of sunrays, as a thrush
peals its high, sweet notes in
perfect pitch of the harmony
of nature's unerring blueprint.

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