Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Forest Fastness

The mountain trail turns, twists
and switches, contouring the 
granite slope, alongside a
boulder-strewn stream, babbling
and foaming, sending a mist over
nearby ferns, sumacs and dogwood. 
The glint and gleam of mica in 
the rocks and flaked among the 
wet pebbles twink back the gleam 
of a scorching sun. Alongside the 
trail grow bunchberry, sorel, 
lilies-of-the-valley and splendid
pink orchids, their Ladies Slipper
orbs splashes of brightness in
the forest gloom. Wild strawberries
in a profusion of tiny white
blossoms and raspberry canes
take their advantage of random
bursts of sunbeams penetrating
the green shield of the forest canopy.
Yellow Swallowtails lazily loft
themselves from understory to
lichened trunk, and a full-throated
ovenbird trills time with the day's
passing hours. Graciously guiding
nature-loving hikers, the trail
completes its long loop to deliver
the bipedal explorers finally
beyond the forest fastness.

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