Monday, January 14, 2013

The Hounding/The Hunted

Hello -- congratulations! You have been 
selected to win one of three fantastic
prizes simply by answering a
few simple questions in our survey...  
Please do not disconnect, do not hang 
up your receiver, Please do not disconnect 
your receiver...hang up, disconnect...

And how are you today? To
express our appreciation to you
as having been successfully selected
in our fabulous giveaway gift show,
how does a trip for two - all expenses
paid, to Bermuda - Las Vegas - Bahamas
- Costa Rico sound? Shall we now
proceed to ensure you qualify?

Good evening Madam, my name
is Omar/Pierre/Stanley. I am presently
calling from Microsoft, we understand
you are experiencing difficulties with
your computer and have been tasked
to solve these problems for you. 
May we anticipate your co-operation?

Can I confirm your family name?
Thank you. I have some distressing
news, your uncle has passed away, and
with no natural issue has named you
the sole beneficiary in his will. To speed
matters along, we ask that you be so
good as to immediately wire $$$ to this
precise Nigerian address...

That implausibly, ever-ringing cell

and land line, no one at the other end - 
establishing routine in plans for a
criminal forced entry? My, you have
become wryly uncivil, hasty to judge,
committing emails to junk status,
terminating phone calls, ripping
up unknown-sender mail envelopes.

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