Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January Thaw

The brutal chill winds and
brittle cold have decided to
temporarily withdraw to nooks
and crannies of the atmosphere
awaiting the cessation of this lull
in winter's advance. Temperatures
risen briskly to moderation, the
landscape basks in snow melt, 
rivulets rush down the snowpack
to welcoming river banks as
below the turmoil of the swollen,
ice-liberated river exults in its
return to liberty. Tree trunks, so
recently sheathed in a smooth,
glassy veneer, now stand 
drenched-black, bark free to
breathe. Episodes of freezing rain
herald ice fog enveloping the
landscape, burning off in the
fierce rays of the winter sun.  
That brief tryst with luminous sun 
soon eclipsed by clouds as silvery
bright as the snow, delicately
hovering between resistance and
melt, loathe to surrender winter 
to the brevity of a thaw.

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