An angel prevents the sacrifice of Isaac, Abraham and Isaac, Rembrandt, 1634 |
The Puissant
We have our admired role models whom
it is our undeniable fate to attempt to
understand and to emulate in striving to
come to vexing terms with the meaning of life.
For scientists, it is Nature in her glorious
splendour and awesome power throughout the
Universe. Omnipresent, indifferent, timeless,
capricious. For the faithful who willingly
suspend the realities of proof, it is a sublime,
supreme deity, omniscient, forbidding, demanding
and equally capricious, though not indifferent.
That Spirit halted Abraham from the proof of
faithful devotion in the sacrifice of his genetic
survival, urging upon the father of Isaac a ram,
much to the consternation of that poor beast,
demonstrating God's selective compassion.
Yet He also planned and executed the sacrifice
of His only begotten son to prove his own faith
in the devotion of the mass of humankind. Then
again, did the Lord assume to offer an even more
puzzling sacrifice, of Abraham's heirs, in their
incalculable numbers, the flock especially selected
to represent God's Chosen unto the craven world
of worshippers, trembling before a world overtaken
by Satan's spawn. The God of goodness, hope
and charity setting before humankind an object
lesson in hubris, puissance and majesty before
whom all must quiver and quaver, as upon
confronting a massive clash of ill-fated heavenly
bodies, erupting in the flux and fiery ending of
absolute destruction, an atomic Holocaust.

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