With the limitless patience of the faithful,
they wait, imperturbably confident and
assured, the seers and the shamans, the
yogis, the sufis and the swamis, near
Chichen Itza. Their followers worldwide
besotted with the spiritual chill of the
unknowable void of being will settle for
alternates. Awaiting the spirals of
heavenly light promised to invade the heads
of believers, from their vast galactic journey,
they weep in fear and joy. A cosmic dawn
arrives to gift the worthy with telepathy and
they will loose themselves from the
niggardly magnetic bonds of Earth, to
levitate and flee its constricting confines
set to implode. Electrical vortexes
arrived from the galaxy's centre bid them
hither and they will respond, leaving fear,
embracing love, bathed in the light of
transformative cleansing of the soul. For
they have discovered true salvation, fleeing
the stagnating brutal influence of life as
we think we know it. That is the revelation,
the cataclysmic upheaval that engages
humanity, one with the golden light
of divine forgiveness, an arcane alchemy
of life bypassing death, the final frontier
to incandescent longevity. If not immortality
then why not? Thirteen and counting.
Look...at us, at them, the pathetic ones -
quivering with the misery of unrequited life.
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