Friday, December 14, 2012

Life's Casual Rehearsal

Is it possible that
life, as we think
we know it is merely a
casual figment of 
some arcane source,
perhaps the creative
imagination of some
unknowable being
conducting an 
experiment in possibilities
and potentials, curious
to witness the actions
and reactions of
organisms of its design
feeling themselves
on their own voyages
of discovery while
entertaining their maker,
concluding this to be
an unfortunate failed
enterprise unsuitable for
a long-range project
of which it was to
represent a rehearsal.
Bored indifference
with an imperfect
experiment the result,
the creatures left
by their creator
to get on with
their paltry existence
as well they might.
Their throwaway planet
dismissively tossed
into the yawning
endless cavity of space
in a reckless universe.

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