Monday, September 24, 2012

Spiral Galaxy M100

Stellar Dust

Beyond mere notions of time
there is the ineffable reality of
infinite space, of remote Galaxies
whose infrared light spectrum
instructs the meta-analysis of
cosmologists, those physicists
whose brilliant theories predict
how Nature's designs have been
born of spontaneity in their massive
eruptions, spreading organically
throughout the Universe, that
great, dark vacuum illuminated by
exploded giants and meteors and
comets as planets spiral about
their gaseous, fiery suns, energy
bursting in huge hydrocarbon
cosmic windblasts, organic
molecules clinging to meteorites,
stardust and frozen cosmic moisture
as astronomy makes its timeless
passage differentiating the inert
from emerging biology and the
eventual, primitive elements of
life.  Hello!  Here we are!  We
are still searching; where then 
are all of you,, the balance of
stardust formulated by existence
and the investiture of amino acids?

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