Thursday, September 20, 2012

As Symbols Go

The world as we know it is
fast becoming unrecognizable;
we hardly know where next to look,
in perplexity, vexation and certainly
fear, for what is unfamiliar is also a 
dire threat to rational order and
future expectations.  Never did we
anticipate that distant, exotic tribal
people immersed within a religion
they claim to exhort to peace would
send their standard bearers of
fanatic revolution to herald the
dawn of a new era rife with
suspicion, fear and hate, cradling
close a burning desire to destroy
all vestiges of the old order, to
herald in their old-new covenant of
a prophet raising a crescent moon
banner carried into the carnage
of war to bring defeat to the infidels
and proud honour to the Ummah.

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