Friday, April 20, 2012

 Our Shared Grief

If our hearts are where loving
memory resides then mine is
clouded in bruised pain.  Look
closely, from the well of my eyes
springs tears I cannot restrain
in the chaos of my emotions.  Yet
we strain to honour his fear and
pain with our undivided attention
as he vibrantly ventilates in detail
describing the daily ordeal
his life has suddenly become.

Through his dread of final
physical decline arose the
neurosis compelling him to tax
his strength and endurance, in the
process inevitably exhausting his
fear yet unrealized, imposing
decay on the very body he sought
to render immune from entropy.

His most constant companions
now are his anguish over a
dim future arrived far too suddenly,
to becloud his near horizon,
accompanied by endless, grinding
hurt he is desperate to shed,
but cannot by any feasible means.
The very thought of the inevitable
distracts his steely resolve.

We listen, we empathize, we
murmur encouragement and
concern.  He does indeed look now
closely at the weeping well of my
eyes; perhaps some gratification
meets his soul as balm, little
realizing it is our pain I extrude
tears for; but if the spectacle
gives him comfort, I don't mind.

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