Tuesday, April 24, 2012


The mysterious alchemy of
atmospheric conditions playing
their games of opposing forces
has led to a conflict of dominion
over this climate, unable to settle 
to a state of received moderation.

The wavering indecision of
nature, torn by the plaintive
entitlements of her elements has
created a vertigo of confusion,
each taking the initiative to assert
its own very particular presence.

The sky's gloomy clampdown
heavy and dank with grey-clotted
clouds invites the wind to usher
them briskly along, heaping below
rations of sleet and ice pellets.

That great warming ball of fire
burns cracks in the bruised ceiling
briefly liberating the brooding
atmosphere from despair.  To little
avail; the opposing forces of
darkness prevail, orb obscured.

Recurring brutalities storming
the environment in blizzards of 
inclemency victimize creatures
of the earth and the oceans, the air
and the regions of vulnerable
existence, bringing calamity after
misfortune through no fit
weather for man nor beast.

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