Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Shush, Nothing

HO/AFP/Getty Images The Planck Surveyor satellite shows the universe in microwaves. The dust emission of the Milky Way is visible as a broad, horizontal band. Near the galactic north and south pole, at the top and bottom of this sky projection, the temperature variations of the cosmic background radiation are visible.

Bend your mind around
nothing. Make that a
timeless nothing. As in
no existence. None,
whatever, therefore nothing.
Stir in Creation; that would
be, you see, the Universe
suddenly creating itself.
Out of an immense,
meaningless, non-existence.

For where there was nothing
a space, a huge yawning
unimaginable, silent, dark
and motionless space containing
nothing aroused itself
mysteriously to welcome
the existence of something.

An explosion of matter,
a gaseous, fiery-fierce
maelstrom of radioactive
inchoate matter, the
unerring intelligent design
of natural science. Ah,
that would of course be
the wakening into being
of the science of nature.

Astonishing, yes. Beyond
belief, for it is fantastical.
The Universe declares itself
into existence in all its dark,
mesmerizing elasticity and pull,
in a luminous display of colour
and light. The spheres evolve.

And they majestically revolve,
cool and coalesce, draw
energy and light and coax
amoebas of life forms to
populate those revolving,
gigantic geodes, as shooting
stars and meteorites cross
the heavenly firmament of the
ever-emerging, definable
essence that is something.

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