In Evolutionary Terms....

Flash, this just in: brilliant
behavioral scientists, after much
study of many previously published
studies have concluded that the
"male warrior" instinct is nature's
genetic male inheritance in designed
perpetuation of the species expressed
in perpetuity through aggression toward
outsiders of the defending tribe.
Women, they rhapsodical conclude,
have been endowed by nature to be
nurturers, peacemakers who tend to
"befriend", resolving conflicts to
protect their offspring. Men wage
wars resulting from those instinctual
violent tendencies meant to improve
status and attract nubile mates.
The researchers arrived at their
stunning analytical response to the
mysteries of these deep philosophical
differences entrenched deep within
the visceral psyches of men and
women, presumably despite a tendency
in modern day higher education
no longer teaching the classics.
Mars is the god of war, after all,
and Venus the goddess of love.
Haven't we been through all of this
before? We've witnessed this scenario
played over and redundantly over again.
Acknowledging the vast distance in
the grid of human interaction and
compulsions that have managed to
somehow withstand the test of time.
So Mars informs the males of the
species, urging them to take pleasure
in hating the enemy and bringing stark
disorder and desolation, laying waste in
the glory of the battlefield. And Venus
sends her female cohorts down the
ages to despair at the gory deaths of
sons and brothers, fathers and future.
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