Wild Cultivating
Just as I am happily amenable
to share my garden treasures …
lilies and irises, heuchera and hostas …
with my neighbours, for their less
well-endowed gardens, so too was
the nearby forest generous with its
wildflowers, offering up to me
for my garden, trilliums and
foam flower, trout lilies and
good gracious! Jack-in-the-Pulpit.
They have made my garden prosper
in the spring, proliferating wildly,
profligate with their charming
offspring, and I now have a
veritable shaded meadow of
foam flower, shyer trilliums, but
multiple and GIANT Jacks. The
Jacks so robust they do not fade
into summer’s dog days, but
splendidly tall and proud, remain
steadfast summer garden sentinels.
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