My Grateful, Staunch Admirers
There are few who can boast, as I can,
of having an ardently appreciative audience,
a large base of those for whom my daily
appearance is profoundly important, those
whose undivided loyalty to me is palpable
and robustly evident, followers whose
preoccupation with my presence and the
essence of my being - and being there - is
of the most profound, extreme importance.
Note: I do not boast, though I could, for
I am simply stating the reality and my grave
responsibility to those for whom my presence
inspires adulation. I should also hasten to note
for the record that my admirers are no motley
crew; they represent not an undiscerning public
of celebrity-agog, quasi aristocrats, performing
'artists' and sport figures. They are rather,
austere-minded benevolent autocrats in their
own right, recognizing in me a special benefactor
whose pure altruism is beyond reproach.
These, my loyal followers, do not represent
as awkward, garishly-clad social misfits.
They pay mind to sartorial choices, eschewing
rude integuments for the classic appearance
of suited and furred elegance. They pay daily
homage to the wisdom of my years and my
generosity of spirit, sharing with them my
August presence as they gather to worship at
my feet, making haste lest they arrive tardily.
None of my followers fail to partake
of my offerings, declaring from surrounding
treetops their passionate approval of my
fleeting presence, my gifts to them, one and
all. Nature's aristocrats, they take flight,
they drive themselves to my quotidian
stroll amongst them, they politely lining the
woodland trails as I pass, doling peanuts.
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