Friday, August 19, 2011

A Rare Courtesy

Tough is as tough does. The
elderly are no more helpless than
the young, setting out to make their
mark in the history of their lives.
Just as the value of the data
extracted relates to the input,
so too does one reap the benefits
at closure of what and how life
has been valued, lived, prioritized.

It is a rare courtesy to witness a
frail-appearing elderly man
chivalrously move toward giving
assistance to a female stranger of
like vintage, peer to peer, as coevals
having shared some manifestations
of an earlier social contract.

It is instructive to see the bored
disinterest of a young man
standing by, and the amazed
bemusement of an onlooking young
woman. The scenario, played out in
a local supermarket, where the
silver-haired woman stooped
to heave a 10-kilogram flour sack
from cart to check-out counter.

A voice behind her spoke: "Here, let
me get that for you". She straightened
to regard the elderly man and,
smiling, responded: "Thank you,
but I'm stronger than I appear",
as she resumed her action
and lifted the bag as intended.

Turning, to again thank the
helpful-minded stranger, a stricken
look crossed her face, noting the
man's two items. She apologized for
not inviting him through before her.
He, pleased no end, demurred and the
young in line behind them, blinked.

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