His Intellect
Let's face it, there is a vast gulf between
your strictly surface, facile kind of intelligence
and his far more deeply-rooted cerebral
function, amply evidenced by his lengthy,
thoughtful responses to your casual enquiries,
looking for a surface-skimming response
lacking depth, barely sufficing to
produce a depth of understanding.
For you, the need is to appear erudite,
a veneer of languid knowingness. Details
are irrelevant; the facade, the impression
gained becomes the goal, to impress
others with the quality of your mind
which in fact has no depth, no breadth,
an empty mirage, one seldom challenged
leaving reputation undeserved, intact.
For him, the challenge clearly is to
learn, explore, probe and attain a measure
of knowledge; a compulsive, inner-directed
personal imperative. The incorrigible
desire to know; no impulse, but a satisfying
urge adding value to a life of enquiry.
His scientifically questing mind forever
searching to expand the boundaries.
His elastic, curious, absorptive mind.
Your disdain of the care he takes to ensure
you fully understand the impact of his
responses, their measured detail, his
patient and informed explanations
speak volumes of your mental limitations
in the company of one who has none.
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