Weathering the Weather

The great bowl of the sky churned
and whipped itself into a frenzy of
forces that only Nature can command.
As though two great imperial armies,
heavily equipped with weaponry
whose power equals the contest
between two irredentist adversaries
intent on finally vanquishing each one
the other's might, met on a celestial
battlefield: heavenly Armageddon.
The sky's temper became increasingly
maddened, assembling darkly threatening
clouds, ionizing the atmosphere to a
degree that withdrawal was no longer an
option, leading to gigantic clashes, goading
opposition to react, to feint, to move beyond
redemption with onlookers in awed suspense.
Those ferocious heavenly forces enjoined in
the violent grip of an anger unmatched by
the puny efforts of humankind's puerile
battlefields, fuelled an upheaval of disorder.
Thunderous roars daring the lesser,
cowering forces of biddable order laid waste
to hope and charity, as civil defence made
muted, futile overtures availing nothing
to diminish the fierce, unstoppable advance
of the clashing furies above. Vicious clatters
and rolling booms aided by long daggers
of fiery light, momentarily brighten the
bitterly dark atmosphere heavy with
sinister purpose. The portals of hell unleashed
the doomed redoubt of heavenly accord as
sound and fiery lightspears and heaven's
host engulfed the sad, quavering landscape.
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