Curriculum Vitae

Great good humour, a wonderfully
good nature and relaxed sense of
well-being, inclusive of my presence.
A robust, sometimes wry, always clever
and succinct ability to sum up a situation
and see a problem through to an immediate
and appropriate conclusion. An unfailing
reason and presence of mind, capable
of deep interest and understanding,
overwhelming me by the width and
breadth of his boundless curiosity.
A completely open and reasonable
mind, alert to nuances and perspectives.
That incurable curiosity about what
lies beyond his previous experience and
knowledge base, leading him to propel
toward acquiring a well-grounded
understanding to accomplish whatever
tasks he sets for himself, out of sheer
determination and willingness to acquire
the required ease with the tools required.
His character and sense of responsibility,
leading so frequently to a considered analysis,
a workable conclusion. His engaging empathy
extended toward and beyond the familiar.
His unwillingness to harm even noxious,
nuisance things that live and thrive, invade
and irritate. These creatures will be rescued and
retrieved to live another day, why not?
His intemperate joy in life and its
complexities. His keen, sometimes puckish
more often mordant, razor-sharp wit,
geared to amuse and yet balance carefully
what lies beyond the sanguine obvious.
His courage in helping me to face any shared
life difficulties. His unflagging regard for the
well-being of intimate others, me primarily!
His encouragement, his reversions
to the enthusiasms of youth, drawing
his adoring partner to repeat the pleasures
of, say, dancing to the music of younger
years, all those too-many-to-count years
ago when we truly were young, the age
our grandchild has now attained, oh my!
And so much more.... The smile that
lingers on his familiar face as he regards
me. The comfort of his touch as flesh
meets its partner. The love and trust,
respect and joy that exudes from each
of us. Inexorably, toward the other. Ah,
I regret to say, the position is no longer
open; it has been admirably filled. I
commend you for your interest and urge
you to try elsewhere; it will not be regretted.
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