Saturday, June 26, 2010


There are so many people who go through
life deliberately unengaged with others'
concerns even when those concerns happen
to impact the entire society. Deliberately or
through sheer disaffection, effectively
disinvesting themselves from mutual concerns
to which others hasten to respond while they,
the utterly self-invested simply remain
insensibly unaware, free to remain so.

Whether concerning neighbourhood
improvement, social ills; man- or nature
-inspired, ameliorating activities are always
someone else's concern, most certainly not
theirs. For they mount themselves above the
common fray. Knock at such doors collecting
charitable funds for an obvious social cause
of undoubted repute and their cold dismissal
places you and all other such common pests
in a well-earned place; social dungeon.

These are the entitled who will not cancel
personal planned events of social delectation
in the face of cataclysmal potential. A dread virus
surfacing to threaten the global community?
No matter. The exotic locale of an upscale
accommodation, tailored for the moneyed
set and pretenders beckons and they will
not miss their flight, nor pampered getaway.

Even as humanitarian groups work
feverishly to rescue, house, feed and medicate,
counselling the indigenous afflicted beset by
misfortune resulting from a major hurricane,
tsunami, earthquake or massively destructive
oceanic oil spill, the entitled bask in their
exclusive hotels, eating their gourmet meals,
sunning on beaches where volunteers clean
wildfowl and remove unsightly oil washing ashore
to destroy the pristine surface of fine white
sand, the sublime turquoise waters of
Paradise, horrendously defaced.

This is all so dreadfully inconvenient, too
drearily disturbing of one's anticipated
enjoyment. The tedious presence of those
do-gooders runs disturbingly counter-
productive to the exclusive elegance of
paid tourist presence. Simply intolerable.
Something should really be done about that.

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