They Await Us

They await us, the small wild
creatures of the forest, wise in
their ways of survival and swiftly
attuned to opportunities, knowing
every position of every cache we
leave behind, doling out their
peanut treats, even on occasion
sharing them with chickadees
and nuthatches,while crows
observe curiously, from above.
This is another extraordinary
day of no clouds lidding the sky,
with full sun exposure and a kindly
dispositioned breeze. Trees have
begun their leafing-out process,
the maples, poplars, willows, ash,
birch and bass, while oak, sumac
and hawthorne yet hesitate.
The understory bracken quickens,
so too canes of raspberry, blackberry;
gooseberry and hazelnut bushes.
Bedding grasses have initiated their
lush, soon-fragrant appearance on
the forest floor, along with colonies
of lilies-of-the-valley, foam flower,
woodland violets and dandelions.
We lope along, the fragrance of
spring releasing tensions, bringing us
back into the world of nature. We
breathe the essence of our woodland
surroundings, their soul-cleansing
affirmation of our place in that vibrant
landscape. It lies at the heart of our
very existence, refusing to be waylaid.
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