
Subtly invading the consciousness,
an element of gloom pervasive like
a dark cloud obliterating the light
and life-enhancing glow of the sun.
It is, in very fact, precisely that;
a sturdily overcast sky presents
a day as closed to light and warmth
as the lidded interior of an iron cauldron.
Unremitting chill, sending icy fingers
exploring the interior of our fragile
bodies, coupled with the loss of
that golden glow we so desperately
cling to, presents as an all-encompassing
gloom, so deep our psyches shrink
and pale in the distress of withdrawal.
Houses, dependent on the heating
orb in the sky to warm interiors,
become mausoleum chill and miserable
as stone. Home interiors transform
to dark, brooding places where their
dwellers move about in quietly
deprived, ghostly discord of mind.
We become pensive at nature's
inclement moroseness, so highly attuned
to her unforeseen episodes of intractable
vicissitudes of atmospheric upheavals,
forgetting in our deprivation that she is
immensely capable of treating her creatures
to far more impacting disturbances
than mere weather inclemency.
Soon enough, we recall, the warm hugs
of the life-restoring sun will be returned
and we in the meantime take refuge in
exchanging them between ourselves.
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