Spring Snowfall

Today, no song sparrows, robins
or cardinals sing in the trees;
they huddle, fluffing feathers for
comfort, seeking quiet haven from
the falling sleet and snow. Last night's
imperious winds ushered in a weather
front that raged inclement. Impish
nature, scrubbing about in her bag
of tricks, hard at work again.
Neighbourhood roof tops, blanched.
Roads and lawns whitely gleaming
as Nature dropped her winter coverlet.
In the garden, bright yellow, orange
and red tulip heads nod forlornly.
The Magnolia blossoms are prettily
capped, white-on-pink. Emerging
blooms on apple and plum trees, arrested.
Only the bright orange blossoms of
the Japanese quince are unmoved by
this sudden, quirkish transformation.
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