
She sleeps, loose-limbed and comfortable
deep in her slumbering memories of
self as young, active and nimble, entranced
with everything that came her way.
Just, in fact, as we do. Occasionally she
will whimper during the night, recalling
memories we have no hint of, but distressing
to her in her quiet old age, sharing with us
that singular distinction that comes to all.
She is still active, healthy and engaged.
Though her senses have dulled, not entirely
dimmed to nothingness. Her hearing is
impaired, her sight compromised, but her
unceasing interest and joy in all that surrounds
her remains unimpaired. Her appetite is
strong and her habits subdued, but she is
still the same companion she was decades
earlier when she came to us, a puppy.
We exult in her longevity, praise her spirit,
celebrate her alacrity and willingness to
companion us wherever we go, trusting
to our ongoing dedication to her continued
well-being, just as we do for our very own.
Viewing her utterly relaxed, sleeping in
peace wherever she leaps and settles in the
home she shares with us, we remain in the
present; the future will look to itself.
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